Monday, January 16, 2017

The New Year at Hand

The new year has come, and a different season has approached in the lives of Minichs. 2016 was a year filled with many events, both horrific and amazing. Many trials approached our lives at the beginning of the year, faster than any of us ever anticipated. We have been tested, tried, pushed to our very core, and brought to our knees with heads bowed in prayer. Yet, we have also leaped and danced with happiness, at even the smallest of joys. Our hearts have felt great sorrow of loss, and our eyes have cried the tears of much pain. Our hearts have also rejoiced with the many blessings all around us and the treasuring of every heartbeat we come in contact with, has greatly increased. 2017 is at hand, and has brought with it a fresh new start. It is a new year, with new opportunities, new experiences, new places, and the chance to do better than we did last year.
Happy New Year to all and cheers for the many adventures to come!

Erika M.