Monday, June 15, 2015

Sweet 16 for a sweet young lady

       Wishing a most blessed birthday to this most amazing sister. 
 Guess who's 16 today!!!! 
    I can't tell you in words what I feel to be able to be with you when you turn 16!!! Sarah, you are my treasure! I have known you since you were 3 or 4, I have seen you go through trials beyond belief, I have been with you for most of my life! I have seen your tears and your beautiful smiles, I have heard your cries (which have often times caused me to cry) and have loved your wonderful laughter! I braided your hair and got a brush stuck in it once! I watched you leave the orphanage as you were given the chance for love and family, leaving me friendless and without hope (not trying to make you feel bad or anything)! I had lost you!
    Who could have imagined what God had planned!. A year later, I was given something I never imagined!!!!!. I was not only given a family, but I was given my best friend as a sister!. Wow. I'm still in awe of that!. It was too good to believe!. I saw pictures of you smiling and enjoying life in itself!!! Something I couldn't wait to do, and I would be doing it with you!.
    Then, there I was, at the airport standing next to and hugging the friend I had lost!!. From there, started an amazing adventure! I saw you, my sister, and looked up to you as an inspiration and example! You inspired me, gave me hope, showed me joy in the midst of trials, and made me laugh when more hardship came!
    I love watching you dance and sing, especially when you don't know I am! I love braiding you hair, I love dancing with you, I love taking random walks with you, I love filming movies with you, Alli, Stevie and friends. I love capturing images of your beautiful face, I love our little secret talks, I love being able to make you smile and laugh when you're down! I loved it when you were younger, the times you would get scared because of a dream or because you were the last one awake, you would wake me up, ask to sleep next to me or just have me stay awake until you fell asleep! And most of all, I love being able to see the beautiful young women you have become, how you have grown in the Lord, and how beautiful that heart of yours is!!
    Today, we went bowling with some friends to celebrate your Sweet 16! I saw that beautiful smile and heard your wonderful laughter! I saw you dance with your friends and sing songs that you knew, as if there was no care in the world, celebrating your gift of life!
   I love you very much and so thankful you are MY sister!!! Happy Sweet 16 girly!!!

Here are some pictures that I love of you!!!

You're such lady!!

Happy Birthday sista!!!

Erika M.


Any Feed back is welcome